Monday, March 30, 2015

Software Engineering

Software Engineering

Developing software is a growing profession. Most software engineers try to fix problems that arise in the realm of technology. For example, if a program has a glitch or a bug, and doesn't do what it is intended for, the software engineer has to go through the code and debug. Debugging is a term that essentially means fixing the code so that the bug disappears. A big part of any engineer is finding solutions. It's up to the software engineer to install solutions, and update programs based on system specifications, system standards, programming, and by developing flowcharts, tables, documents, and diagrams. Software engineers also use the best available technology and programming techniques in order to be able to complete their task in the most efficient and timely fashion as possible.

What does it take to be a Software Engineer?

In order to be a software engineer, you are required to attend college and earn a bachelor's degree in the subject. You are also supposed to be proficient at programming, debugging, problem solving, teamwork, software development, software design, and software testing.


  1. This career field is so interesting! This job is perfect for you because you are very smart and know a lot about technology.

  2. Wow Trevor this is awesome! You'd be so good at this. Good luck in this field!

  3. This job suits you well seeing that you are so into technology.

  4. Wow Trevor, this looks really great! I think this field would be perfect for you. This really shows how professional you are with technology and I hope you become a software engineer one day.
